intef-exe (3:2.0.4ppa01) precise; urgency=low * Adapt version number to Ubuntu PPA guidelines -- Mercedes Cotelo Lois Fri, 22 May 2015 18:50:49 +0200 intef-exe (3:2.0.3) lucid; urgency=low [ Mercedes Cotelo ] Fix bug [#2413]: Actualización Firefox 36.0 en Debian Ubuntu Problemas [ Juan Rafael Fernández ] * Trying to solve the menu+xpm / freedesktop+png confusion * Another fix for bug [#2258] No call to update-mime-database [ Pedro Peña ] * Fix bug [#2303]: Wrong file format problem -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 04 Mar 2015 15:24:22 +0100 intef-exe (3:2.0.2) lucid; urgency=low [ José Miguel Andonegi ] * Add class exe-hide to hide elements when exporting. In exe edition page and TinyMCE edition, hidden elements are visible. * Prevent class change in media elements * Additional change in atributes.js: if media related classes are being used, the combo is disabled to prevent user from changing it * onclick event added to image preview so that user can refresh manually the image. * added to all html in TinyMCE [ Juan Rafael Fernández ] * Contributes to updating Debian packaging to dh7, fixed naming, permissions, adding dependencies etc. * Contributes to making the Debian package valid for all architectures, eliminating compiled files * Improves the GNU Linux specific files: exe.desktop, exe.xml, menu * Creates man files * Fixes the address of the FSF (a very minor bug, spotted by automatic tools). * Fixes references to old new project, url, email... * Maintains the translation templates uptodate and prepares for new version * Minor python language fixes: no 't' mode in open(), <> is obsolete... [ Ignacio Gros ] * Fix bug [#2305]: User's iDevices: The feedback button custom text was not displayed. * Fix bug [#2274]: Print Style Sheet. Display feedbacks and results. + #navcontainer is not required (it's now called #siteNav). The Print Styles have to be reviewed. * Fix bug [#2291]: ePub3 & idevice NOTE ("Opening and ending tag mismatch"). * Fix bug [#2399]: (Image Magnifier). Problem with the proportions of the images (same height and width). * eXe Tutorial. New version (eXe 2+). * Fix bug [#2384]: TinyMCE's media preview does not show the video on new videos * New exe-hidden and exe-hidden-accessible classes. CSS revision. See #2380 [ Fran Macías ] * Use 'ordereddict' in python 2.6 [ Pedro Peña ] * Allow open elp files without * Fix bug #[2359]: "When using an animated gif, exe process does not shut down after exiting" * eXe sessions don't expires. Prevent errors after suspend/resume * Migrate xliff export preferences window to ExtJS. This prevents usage of old dublincore.xul to show language list ([#2249]) * Removed unnecessary dublincore files * Natural sort for language selectors * Fix bug [#2296]: Install directory not set * Fix 4th problem of bug [#2335]: ePub3 + Readium problems * Fix bug [#2288]: Privacy-breach-generic usr/share/exe/scripts/extjs/index.html. Remove unnecessary extjs html * Revert unnecessary upstream patches to twisted spread banana module. Fix bug [#2306]: Possibly insecure files in /tmp * Fix bug [#2287]: Let's use the system feedparser * Fix bug [#2286]: Let's use the system mimetex * Add version file to source package. Use version file to guess version in builds outside of a git clone * Fix bug [#2389] python-support is deprecated, we need to move to dh_python2 * Fix bug [#2387] The name of the package is wrong * Fix bug [#2392] Are and necessary? * Fix bug [#2407]: Windows Error exception inserting image in Idevice * Up recursion limit and fallback to if recursion limit reached loading contentv3.xml * Fix bug [#2394] iDevice ficheros adjuntos (campo descripción) * Fix bug [#2383] TinyMCE's image preview does not show the image on new images * Fix bug [#2337] Ask before overwriting * Fix bug [#2298] Fill in the blanks, autohides special characters problem -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 27 Feb 2015 13:53:29 +0100 python-intef-exe (3:2.0.1) lucid; urgency=low [Ignacio Gros] * Fix bug #2196: "HTML5 video and audio problems (HTML5/Permissive mode)" * Fix bug #2237: "More than one Show/Hide Editor Link after the TEXTAREA's label" * Fix bug #2253: "libot_drag.js updated to remove the code for old browsers and avoid the selection problems in Webkit" * Fix bug #2248: "libot_drag.js out of the IEDA Style (it was not being used)" * Fix bug #2261: "Submit icons were not visible (Ubuntu / FF 32.0.4)" * Single Page Export: Add a new class to each node with its level ("level-1-node", etc.) * Fix bug #2273: "Some contents disappeared when the was an horizontal menu" [Juan Rafael Fernández] * Debian package conformance review * Fix bug #2250: "Is XUL necessary to display the manual?" * License specified in the About page [Mercedes Cotelo] * Fix bug #2211: "Cambio de nombre de plantilla carm a CARM" * Fix bug #2263: "Modificación estilo CARM y CeDeC Derivados" [Pedro Peña] * Fix bug #2245: "Backwards compatibility may not work" * Fix bug #2258: "No call to update-mime-database" * Fix bug #2262: "Doble clic sobre archivo elp" * New experimental category for Idevices [Translation Teams] * Updated translations of Spanish, Russian, Italian, French, Dutch, Valencian, Basque, Portuguese and Gallician. -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 29 Oct 2014 13:38:26 +0100 python-intef-exe (3:2.0) lucid; urgency=low [Antonio Moreno] * Fix bug #1501: Java applet does not allow insertion htm files. Now inside "Others" section. * Fix bug #1657: Accessibility license related Wikipedia downloads * Updated file SCORM_API_wrapper.js for SCORM12 and SCORM2004 * Change: APIWwraper.js replaced by SCORM_API_Wrapper.js * Change: now two options at export SCORM menu. * Enabling metadataType inside SCORM exports * Updated file SCOFunctions.js * Replacing SCORM2004 schemes * Including an XSD file for SCORM exports. * Including AC_RunActiveContent.js inside SCORM1.2 * Colaboration fixing bug #1672: "Malfunction Next and Prev buttons inside SCORM exports" * Enabling SCORM1.2 and SCORM2004 exports. * New functions added to SCORM_API_Wrapper.js * Fix bug #1630: Error 404 with wikipedia images. * Improvement: now all the applets are shown in edition mode. * Fix bug #1390: Problems with whitespaces in files' names. * Fix bug #1922: Wikipedia article. * Fix bug #1939: loading applets with parenthesis inside the name of the file. * Bug #2008: SCORM2004 exports. Improvements in navigation. * FR #1548: Manifest: exe_jquery.js only in COMMON_FILES. * Improvement: coping the whole style to SCORM export packages. * Adding lom schemas inside IMS and SCORM1.2 exports * Colaboration fixing Bug #2093: incorporation LOMES metadata in IMS exports * Adding schemas location for metadata's IMS CP export * Fixing Bug #2055: Removing AC_RunActiveContent.js [Fran Macías] * New button to delete the idevice. * Using a default style. If the style don't exist when user open a elp, the default is used. * Idevice "Image Magnify": migration from flash to javascript. * Adaptation of the script "mojomagnify.js" ( * New idevice "Note", to create non-exportable comments. * Fix bug: "Image magnify IE8 compatibility" * New button in idevice "Note": "Delete all notes", to clear all comments. * New option in the "Preferences" dialog: the user can select any Internet browser (installed or not installed browsers). * Restore styles. If the user styles folder is empty, eXeLearning restore the styles. * Fix bug: Removed reference to icon notaidevice. * Open filepicker (select file dialog) with default file name * Added new key("defaultStyle") in "exe.conf" to define default style. * Added new key("styleSecureMode") in "exe.conf" to allow execution python scripts in export.[User] styleSecureMode = 0 ,allows execution of scripts * Fix bug [#2094]: "Imported .zip file style doesn't update" (don't import style with config.xml not utf-8 charset) * Update styles folder ( only when user style folder date < exelearning style folder date ). For preinstalled styles, not for personal/downloaded styles. * New option 'docType' in Preferences Panel. * Now "Cloze idevice" allows hide sentences with blanks. * Modified input length for multiple correct answers (Cloze and Clozelang idevices) * Removed references to 'magnifier.swf' when the user open a elp created with older versions. [Ignacio Gros] * Fixed bug #1630: "Images with relative path (404 errors when exporting a Wikipedia article)" * New - Styles: Default styles revision (unused and unnecessary icons, CSS and images removed) * New - Some files (panel-amusements.png, stock-stop.png...) are copied to the destination folder (only when they are not in the Style) * New - Styles: Presentation (font sizes, etc.) revision * Feature Request #1832 - All Styles have free licenses * Feature Request #2073 - Styles: favicon.ico is not required * Feature Request #2074 - Use the Style's base.css file if it exists while editing too * Feature Request #1591 - common.js should be included just once * Fixed bug #1576 - swf: Wrong path after changing its size when the elp name had a space or special characters * New - HTML cleanup: Unnecessary line breaks removed * Feature Request #1667 - Wikipedia styles in an external file * New - No more inline styles in the content wrapper * Fixed bug #1861 - Clearfix solution improved * Fixed bug #1723 - Magnifier and image gallery: Clearfix problem when creating a website with a high menu * Feature Request #1690 - "IE Compatibility View on" warning page * Feature Request #1592 - iDevices icons out of the HTML (CSS instead) + Styles compatibility * New - Display the icons only if they exist * New - Common functions to generate the header and the footer of the iDevices * New - Common function to generate the feedback blocks * New - Common function to generate accessible hints * New - "Show/Hide feedback" buttons always with the same text * New - "idevice_inner" is only present when the iDevice has "emphasis" * New - MAX and EducaMadrid Styles * New - Todo-FP and INTEF logos update (no institutional logos) * New - The iDevice content is now in a container called "iDevice_content_wrapper" to make the appearance control easier * New - "iDevice_wrapper" wraps each iDevice * New - Unique ID for each iDevice when creating a single page * New - Style revision: Position of some elements (iDevice titles, iDevice headers...) in different Styles * New - Style information update (config.xml) * Feature Request #1664 - libot_drag.js is now part of common.js * Fixed bug #1756 - Error showing/hiding the feedback due to a change made in * New - HTML Meta Tags (language, description, author) * New - HTML Meta Tags (generator meta tag in HEAD instead of an HTML comment): It includes the program version * Fixed bug - True/False iDevice: No space between CLASS and STYLE * Fixed bug - True/False iDevice: JavaScript error handling (undefined ID) * Fixed bug #1760 - SCORM/IMS export: Some files were missing in the imsmanifest.xml file * Feature Request #1761 - #siteFooter out of #main + #siteFooter in #outer in SCORM * New - The bottom pagination is now outside #main, right before the footer * New - #main has now a wrapper to solve some problems like the Internet Explorer focus bug (fixed in all Styles) * New - The HTML is not minified: We get the line breaks back to make it easier to edit (the line breaks are now in a variable to make minimization easier) * Collaboration - HEAD and BODY extra content (defined in the config.xml file of the Style) * Fixed bug - Right/Wrong answers background and text colors * New - JavaScript: MediaElement.js player: Dynamic load * New - JavaScript: jQuery in exported and incluided in HEAD * New - JavaScript: i18n (in HEAD) * New - JavaScript: Hide/Show iDevices (available in all Styles but hidden by default) when there's more than one iDevice * New - JavaScript: Hide/Show iDevice option visible in some Styles * New - JavaScript: jQuery Lightbox2 by Lokesh Dhaka (Image Gallery iDevice) * New - Lightbox can now be used out of the Image Gallery iDevice * New - JavaScript: Adding the "js" class to the BOBY tag when JS is enabled * New - Gallery iDevice: Files should be referenced only once in the imsmanifest.xml file * New - CSS: Responsive design (INTEF, INTEF-web-horizontal-nav, EducaMadrid and MAX Styles) * New - JavaScript: Hide/Show navigation link in some Styles (INTEF, INTEF-web-horizontal-nav, EducaMadrid, MAX) * Feature Request #1343 - "Skip navigation" link (it becomes visible with keyboard focus) * New - XML tag removed from the beginning of the XHTML code to prevent problems in some servers * New - Credits (about eXe): New contents and design * New - INTEF Style new colors * Fixed bug #1948 - Problems with iframes and wide contents * Collaboration - CSS: MAX Style (background image for the node title by Ana Simón) * Fixed bug #2028 - MediaElement.js did not respect the paragraph text alignment * Fixed bug #2042 - Problems with svg in the authoring page + 404 error caused by background image CSS property in browsers with no svg * Fixed bug #1910 - 404 errors caused by common.js (provisional solution) * Fixed bug #2032 - Youtube iframes: wmode=transparent so the videos don't hide the menus and some dialogs * Fixed bug #1375 - iDevices: (X)HTML and accessibility revision (only eXe's and FPD's iDevices) * New - Full Styles revision after the accessibility revision * Feature Request #1834 - Single page: Node titles level (more than one H1) * Collaboration #2135 - Change the way of displaying the right answers when having more than one * Feature Request #1593 - HTML5: Collaboration - New format preference (DOCTYPE) New - html5.js (html5shiv) for IE < 9 New - WAI-ARIA roles (banner, navigation, main, contentinfo, status) New - Full HTML (structure, titles level, etc.) and accessibility revision (see #1375) * TinyMCE: Editor height New - Image header and caption (advimage and media plugins) New - Advanced alignment plugin: Align images and media elements with caption and/or footer Feature Request #1543 - CSS multi-column layouts (templates): template_external_list_url depends on eXe's language Fixed bug #1927 - HTML5 audio error: Replace all spaces by _ (the file name changes, so the src has to change too) Fixed bug #1811 - Encoding problems (entity_encoding set to "raw") Collaboration #2018 - Close full screen TinyMCE before executing "changeNode" so all the changes are saved New - Clearing Plugin New - Media plugin: Hide the file browser when "iframe" is selected (see FR #2044) Fixed bug #2092 - No new base64 images + Drag and drop disabled Fixed bug #2120 - Media plugin (iframe): We remove the protocol from Youtube, Google Maps, Vimeo and G. Video and we add it with JS in local files New - Default configuration: It allows anything Fixed bug #2064 - Enable/Disable TinyMCE on demand when there's more than one New - Paste code plugin: We add a BR after the code so it's easier to write more Collaboration #1413 - New configuration options (Permissive/Strict and XHTML/HTML5) New - Media and image plugin: Semantic HTML (FIGURE, FIGCAPTION, etc.) [Jesús Jaén] * Design and implementation of LOM/LOM-ES support in eXe and their forms [José Miguel Andonegui] * Improve Resources Report: now pages and idevices without resources are referenced and a new filed is added to reference .elp file * Fix bug [#2159] favicon.ico is not included in SCORM export when extra export formats are included * Fix bug [#2155] Two issues related to XLIFF import * Fix bug [#2150] Upgrade FPD idevices to translate instructions from Spanish to English * Upgrade Multiselect, FPD – Multiselect and Dropdow idevices to Remove icon from system resources * Apply in singlepage export's title same logic as in website export * Fix Bug [#1870] Resources URL malformed in 2 FPD idevices * FR [#1884] Create links to nodes in singlepage export * SCORM API: include and wrap 'bilingual' (1.2/2004) SCORM API from * Multiple correct answers can be defined in cloze Activity using pipes. * Review Basque translation. * Fix bug [#1891] Web site: Invalid XHTML * Fix bug [#1782] Fix cmi.core.lesson_status on unload * FR [#1548] SCORM2004 export * FR [#2002] TinyMCE configuration options: entities vs UTF-8: now Tiny works in UTF-8 [José Ramón Jiménez] * Fix bug #1451: "Error de funcionamiento Actividad espacios en blanco con opción calificación inmediata activada" * Fix bug #1560: "Agrega no acepta el caracter ':' en los nombres de fichero incluidos en un zip a importar" Make the problem that will not accept SCORM files with strange names corrected. All names by passing files to ascii characters are normalized and subsequently removed other than letters, numbers, or [-_.] And turning the blanks with "_". * Fix bug #1655: "Incorrecto funcionamiento galería de imágenes" The problem adding images to the gallery before doubling the previous corrected. * Fix bug #1662: "Error autopublicación Agrega" The problem is corrected zombies resources loading package. The names of the images are normalized to avoid weird characters and not complain Make. * Fix Bug #1687: "No se elimina archivo flv" Resources are removed in a .elp that were not being used. * Fiz bug #1693: "elp con espacio en blanco al final" The package name becomes when you have strange characters to avoid problems with spaces, colons, etc. * Fix bug #1976] "Any resource created in old version of eXeLearning with space in name gets deleted" It prevents the name of a resource may be blank, in which case it is encoded in hexadecimal. * Fix bug #1937: "FPDTruefalse doesn't render images in instruction" * Fix bug #1964: "iDevice sitio web externo" When a url is entered in this idevice, if exe detects that leads http: // in the description it is put. This is not done because there is no way around the passive block mixed content. * Added possibility to choose browser in preferences menu. * Styles manager using ajax + extjs + json implemented. * FPD-MEDU style is updated to match the new format of the iDevices. [Juan Rafael Fernández] * Improved the English of many UI messages and in-code comments, and translation into English of the ones still in Spanish * Converted to utf-8 the .py files that have Spanish comments * Removed plenty of obsolete, redundant and useless PO files (btw, Maori is a non-supported language now) * Fixed mistakes on the headers of PO files, caused by a script in a former commit. Added the Language field * Found some non-localized strings. Localized them. * Fixed the permissions of some files (no need to have the -x bit on) * No need for ^M newline codes in code files. dos2unix'ed them. * Cleaned the tools directory, removed obsolete scripts * updated --version from '1.04.1' to '2.0'. Documented the script. * Some work on the languages at Improvements in the names of the languages. Added "Galician Wikipedia Article" to Wiki iDevice options. * Attachmentidevice: added .odp examples to the .ppt references * Add a comment to the point in lomvocab.js that is wrong and will have to be fixed some day. Compatibility of Spanish translations with the official LOM-ES standard. [Mercedes Cotelo] * Fix bug #1951: ".svg files are image files" * Fix bug #2022: "Last project appear2 in 2nd place in recent projects menu" * Fix bug #2063: "No se muestra la imagen de en la instalación de windows" [Mike Dawson] * Added new Sort Items Idevice from exe-nextgen * Added Hangman Game Idevice * Added Click In Order Game Idevice * Added Memory Match Game Idevice * Added File Attach Idevice [Pedro Peña] * Fix mimetex binary permissions in OS X installer * Fix launch error when building browser selector in preferences page on Mac OSX * Fix bug #1616: "Problemas con ELPs anteriores a Intef6 * Fix bug #1661: "Error al mover imágenes de la galería de imágenes" * Fix bug #1643: "Fallo en traducción impide eliminar iDevice en francés" * Fix bug #1663: "Nombre carpetas con tilde" * Fix bug #1655: "Incorrecto funcionamiento galería de imágenes" * Filepicker layout change to resemble windows filepicker * Filepicker field label in function of filepicker mode (to resemble windows filepicker) * Idevice list ordered according to the locale * Maintain file name on change folder in filepicker * Changed location buttons previous text in filepicker. Show only in save mode * Check permissions in filepicker * Prepared to translate internet explorer compatibility mode warning page [#1690] * Check that eXe is not running before install and uninstall on windows * Better tilde and other symbols management in filenames on windows systems * Open elp files with double click when filename has tilde and others symbols on windows systems * Not show symlinks in windows filepicker * Localize directory names (Documents -> Mis documentos, Pictures -> Mis Imágenes, ...) in windows filepicker. * Disable problematic installation directory selection in windows installer * Fix bug #1630: "Artículo Wikipedia: faltan varias imágenes (error 404)" Not added duplicated user resources in wikipedia idevice * Implementation and improvements of EPUB3 exporter based on previous work * Prevent using installed eXe libs when launching in standalone or portable mode * Prevent show system critical-error-handler message box. Instead send to eXe process * Design and implementation of LOM/LOM-ES support in eXe and their forms * Integration of LOM/LOM-ES metadata with SCORM exports * Refactor package properties form to adapt and autocomplete some fields of metadata forms: new unified cataloguing section. * Mark visually dirty fields when changed in all forms * Added LOM metadata importers * Include mediaelement javascript library for FR #1539. Added checkbox to TinyMCE media plugin. Include in all exports when needed. * Save package on success form submit. Mark dirty when no previously saved * Implementation of new preview tool * Migrated preferences windows from iframe to javascript * Switch tinymce translation system to eXe system (gettext) * Fix iframe bug in Chrome/Chromium in about, preferences, xliff... pages * Fix bug #1836: "Single page export: No alert after finishing" * Changed policy when printing: no autoclose temporary printing document, ask user to close. * Update version format of content.xml to v3 to fix #1865: "Character sequences lost in saving (\t and \n)" * Disable browser history. Fix #1799: "Error cuando se clica sobre avanzar o retrocederr página del navegador" * Update cmdline usage info for exe executable, now translatable. Fix #1785: "Parámetro -h da información incompleta" * Fix bug #1851: "Problemas con audio mp3 al exportar" * Fix bug #1871: "Fallo al guardar como (guarda undefined.elp)" * Fix bug #1624: "La exportación a XLIFF falla si hay presente un Idevice Rellenar Huecos" * Prevent cross site scripting problems in some browsers previewing java applets * Fix preview problems in java applet idevice * Not try to generate debug package for Fedora/Redhat * Refactoring of version release and revision compute. Updated loading mask and about page to present correctly the revision * Idevice panel refactoring: group idevices by default and edit visibility * Always show preferences window on eXe start. Added checkbox to disable show on start * Fix bug persisting selected web browser * Fix preferences window browser selector in Mac OS X * Fix minor bugs in style manager panel * Delegate idevice sorting to python code (prevents javascript sorting based in local browser language) * Locale alphabetical sort of style names in style manager and style menu * Disable old idevices hidding mechanism * Translate old idevices hidding mechanism config to new * Adapt idevice editor to new Style object * Refactor ideviceToggler.init to prevent javascript error in some idevices (ImageMagnifier and RSS for example). * All exports editable by default (include content.* in exports) * Add option to exe_do to establish field values of Package object. Patch from ULHI * Implemented CSV resource report in exe_do. Patch from ULHI * Implemented consistency check on open elp. Patch from ULHI. The final strategy implemented is: -Erase all metadata references to Resource objects -Scan contents to find really used resources -Build metadata according to found resources in previos pass * Add resources report to tools menu. Partial patch from ULHI * Added advanced option to generate ELP package that may be opened with old versions of eXe * Rename produced packages to include INTEF word * Include VC2008 redist in windows installers and install if necessary (fix eXe launch when user not have msvcrt90.dll) * Fix version check in windows standalone mode (not always extract) * Mark package as dirty when style change (activates preview refresh) * More reliability checking existing web browsers * Fix bug #1899 "Duplicated device id Exception" * Unit test to check duplicated idevice names in all languages * Fix run of unit tests * Implement style name translation. Fixes bug #1906 "Strings not internationalized" * Added zh_CN lang copied from zh. Fixes bug #1907 "The zh is needed by gettext and can not disappear execution to create the new lang" * Renamed exe/locale dirs to complain gettext locale names standard * Add lang attributes to html tag of eXe main page * Simple changes to add compatibility with pillow library * Fix bug #1855: "Error fusionar elp" * Clean up unused resources after check package when loading elp. Fixes bug #1801: "Archivo fantasma" * Apply patch to support Range header request in eXe internal web server. This allows seeking in video/audio content in preview mode and prevents some errors. * Correctly map package license with exported html footer license. Fixes bug #1864 "Added link to local FDL license when needed Updated local FDL license to 1.3" * Properly upgrade idevices that used libot_drag.js Fix #1929 "Error Agrega: archivo no existe y error metadatos" (file not found part) * Fix bug #1925: "Error when merging files" * Fix bug #1931: "Error exportado scorm1.2" * Fix "C:\Program Files (x86)\exe\\nevow\ UserWarning: Could not open liveevil.js" error launching installed eXe in Windows * Clean wrong fuzzy msgids in po files. Set correct project id in po files * Fix first part of bug [#1946] "ERROR EN LA EXPORTACIÓN cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects" * Persist in exe.conf the group idevice user selection. Fixes bug #1936: "Opción desagrupar idevices" * Disable mediaelement in EPUB3 exports * Added creative commons versions to eXe licences * Fix error in imsmanifest when wikipedia idevice is present: resource "fdl.html" listed but not included * Fix bug #1976: "Any resource created in old version of eXeLearning with space in name gets deleted" * Fix bug #1966: "Popup URL field doesn't manage correctly uploaded files" * Fix bug #1991: "Insertar /editar medio embebido. Insert/edit embedded media" * Fix bug #1999: "Visualización menú preferencias en Mac os x 10.9" * Set correct path separator in javascript filepicker code when using windows. Fixes bug #2011: "Exportar como página html única" * Fix bug #2015: "Problemas sistema de búsqueda a la hora de nombrar archivos. Filepicker" * Fix bug #2093: "Exportación IMS CP no incluye metadatos LOM-es" * Fix bug #2084: "No reconoce campos de propiedades paquete elp de versión 7.2" * Wait until authoring page reload before eXe main page reload. This prevents loss changes in tinymce full screen mode * Removed non-standard adlcp namespace from IMS exports. Fixes validation of ims exports from LOM/LOM-ES metadata * Implement c_ translation function: translates strings to language specified in package properties * Reload authoring page if package language changed * Clear and reset buttons in all properties forms * Rename exe.conf and idevice store and inform user if problems during load. Fixes bug #2047: "New installations don't fix wrong exe.conf and iDevice stores" * Change node of idevice does not modify idevice id. Fixes bug #2123: "Problem in Multi-choice and FPD-Multichoice idevices" * Fix navigation generation of scorm1.2 exports. Fixes bug #2138: "Ode que no valida" * Fix memory leaks when reloading authoring iframe. Fixes bug #2127: "Consumo de RAM" * Upgrade instructions in cloze idevices also in idevice store of user * Implement scorm2004 compliant navigation in scorm2004 exports * Fix bug building imsmanifest resource files of style when using and imported style in scorm exports. * Fix bug #2148: "Desaparecen textos en rellenar huecos" * Accept JSON format in --set option of exe_do (useful in some cases) * Fix --write_package option in exe_do if used with a export or import option * Added logfile param to exe_do that dumps checker info when loading a package [Translation Teams] * New complete translations for Basque, Catalan, Dutch, French, Galician, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Valencian * Much improved translations for Farsi, German and Traditional Chinese * Prepared the system for Arab, Asturianu, Aragonés [Uwe Kohnle] * Fix bug [#1782] Fix cmi.core.lesson_status on unload -- Pedro Peña Pérez Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:49:58 +0200 python-intef-exe (2:2.0rc1) lucid; urgency=low [Pedro Peña] * Build rc1 release -- Pedro Peña Pérez Tue, 24 Jun 2014 17:49:58 +0200 python-intef-exe (2:2.0beta2) lucid; urgency=low [Pedro Peña] * Build new beta release -- Pedro Peña Pérez Mon, 16 Dec 2013 17:25:12 +0100 python-intef-exe (2:2.0beta1) lucid; urgency=low [Pedro Peña] * Preparing changelog for next release -- Pedro Peña Pérez Mon, 14 Oct 2013 18:50:50 +0200 python-exe (2: lucid; urgency=low [Antonio Moreno] * Fix bug #1390: "Espacios en blanco en el nombre del fichero que se carga" (java applet idevice) * Java applets correctly previewed. With revision/help/completion of Pedro Peña. [Pedro Peña] * Fix iframe bug in Chrome/Chromium in about, preferences, xliff... pages * Fix bug #1836: "Single page export: No alert after finishing" * Changed policy when printing: no autoclose temporary printing document, ask user to close * Fix bug #1799, disabling browser history * Fix bug #1851: "Problem with mp3 audio when exporting" * Fix bug #1871: "Failure to save as (save undefined.elp)" * Fix bug #1624: "XLIFF export fails with cloze activity idevice" -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 20 Sep 2013 11:04:38 +0200 python-exe (2: lucid; urgency=low [Antonio Moreno] * Corregido bug #1657: "Accesibilidad a la licencia relacionada con las descargas de la wikipedia" * Corregido bug #1630: "Artículo Wikipedia: faltan varias imágenes (error 404)". Con ayuda de Ignacio Gros y Pedro Peña [Francisco Macías] * Añadido botón para borrar idevice sin necesidad de editar [Gaizka Bilbao] * Revisión del estilo Tknika [Ignacio Gros] * Corregido bug #1576: "Pérdida de swf" * Revisión de los estilos por defecto, Intef, Cedec, Carm y Todo-FP * Aviso de vista de compatibilidad de Internet Explorer activada. Con ayuda de Pedro Peña * Corregido bug #1723: "Mala visión Galería de imágenes y Lupa en determinadas ocasiones" * Añadidos nuevos estilos MAX y Educamadrid aportados por la Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid [Juan Rafael Fernández] * Mejoras en algunas cadenas y textos originales * Traducidas al inglés cadenas en español que quedaban en el código fuente * Coordinación de la actualización de traducciones [José Ramón Jiménez] * Corregido bug #1560: "Agrega no acepta el caracter ':' en los nombres de fichero incluidos en un zip a importar" * Corregido bug #1662: "Error autopublicación Agrega" * Corregido bug #1687: "No se elimina archivo flv" * Revisión de estilo FPD-MEDU * Corregido bug #1693: "elp con espacio en blanco al final" [Pedro Peña] * Corregido bug #1616: "Problemas con ELPs anteriores a Intef6" * Corregido bug #1661: "Error al mover imágenes de la galería de imágenes" * Corregido bug #1658: "crased con frecuencia en MAC OsX" * Corregido bug #1643: "Fallo en traducción impide eliminar iDevice en francés" * Corregido bug #1663: "Nombre carpetas con tilde" * Corregido bug #1655: "Incorrecto funcionamiento galería de imágenes" * Mejoras en filepicker de eXe para parecerese más al filepicker del sistema Windows * Comprobación de permisos y otras mejoras en filepicker * Comprobación de que eXe no se esté ejecutando al instalar y desinstalar -- Pedro Peña Pérez Tue, 14 May 2013 13:41:21 +0200 python-exe (2: lucid; urgency=low [Pedro Peña] * Subido epoch para corregir fallo al generar versión rc2 -- Pedro Peña Pérez Mon, 11 Mar 2013 16:19:20 +0100 python-exe (1: lucid; urgency=low [Andrea Primiani] * Revisión de traducción al italiano de eXe [Antonio Moreno] * Mejoras en el Idevice Applet de Java * Corregido bug en Idevice Wikipedia [Ángel Berlanas] * Revisión de traducción al catalán variante valenciana de eXe y TinyMCE [Carles Ferrando] * Revisión de traducción al catalán de eXe y TinyMCE [Dionisio Martínez] * Revisión de traducción al portugués de eXe y TinyMCE [Francisco Macías] * Nuevo Idevice Actividad Desplegable [Ignacio Gros] * Incorporación de las traducciones al francés, italiano y portugués de TinyMCE * Activación del corrector ortográfico en TinyMCE (habilitado por defecto) * Pegar como texto plano habilitado por defecto en TinyMCE * Plugin eXeMath para TinyMCE: se pide confirmación antes de salir sin guardar cambios * BUG - El botón de la actividad de rellenar huecos no subrayaba * BUG - Galería de imágenes: se incluye el js necesario en el HTML, no mediante JavaScript. La galería no funcionaba si había un vídeo HTML5 * Confirmar antes de eliminar una imagen de la galería * Confirmar antes de cerrar el diálogo de edición de iDevices * Mejora de la presentación del iDevice respuestas múltiples (solución provisional) * Corregido problema de aplicación de técnica "clearfix" en las plantillas del INTEF * BUG - Se añaden los iconos que faltaban en la plantilla FPD-MEDU * Se eliminan los logos institucionales de las plantillas del INTEF * BUG - Sustituimos los enlaces a #auto_top por enlaces a # al exportar como página sola (el ancla no existía) * BUG - Fallo JS: eXe intentaba ejecutar una función al arrancar que todavía no estaba presente * RTF - Revisión del código de la página "Acerca de eXe" * Diseño de la página de cierre de la aplicación * Common.js minimizado [José Miguel Andonegui] * Revisión de traducción al euskera de eXe y TinyMCE [José Ramón Jiménez] * Feature Request #1531: Se modifica el estilo FPD-MEDU para que se visualice bien con todos los iDevices y no sólo con los de FPD * Modificaciones menores en el estilo FPD-MEDU * Corrección de bugs en la funcionalidad de mostrar/ocultar Idevices (bug #1528 y otros) * Feature Request #1522: Se pide confirmación antes de salir del editor de idevices [Juan Rafael Fernández] * Revisión de traducción al español de eXe y TinyMCE [Jesús Miguel Domínguez] * Revisión de traducción al francés de eXe [Pablo Nimo] * Revisión de traducción al gallego de eXe y TinyMCE [Pilar Embid] * Revisión de traducción al catalán variante valenciana de eXe y TinyMCE [Pedro Peña] * Actualizado número de versión -- Pedro Peña Pérez Mon, 11 Mar 2013 13:25:22 +0100 python-exe (1: lucid; urgency=low [Pedro Peña] * Actualizada la ventana de créditos * Implementada cookie de session por puerto * Implementado mecanismo para terminar el proceso eXe cuando no haya ventanas activas * En los casos en que ya exista un proceso eXe activo, se lanza uno nuevo escuchando en el siguiente puerto disponible permitiendo apertura de multiples ficheros usando doble click y ejecución en entornos multiseat * Implementado mecanismo de ocultación de tags object y applet (sin soporte de zindex) cuando se tienen que mostrar componentes con zindex superior * Se activa el soporte de zindex para los tags object con flash * Corregido problema en la selección de tipo de applet en idevice Applet de Java * Prevención de bloqueo de plugins (flash, java, etc) en navegadores Webkit por falso positivo de XSS * Arreglado primer agregado de opción/pregunta/actividad en Idevices Caso de Estudio, Cuestionario Scorm, Verdadero Falso, Elección múltiple y Selección Múltiple * Se tiene en cuenta posibles slots vacíos en el listado de recursos del paquete * Se lanza Safari como navegador por defecto en Mac OS X * Cambiado el mecanismo para imprimir el paquete actual. Ahora no se usa un ventana de popup * Deshabilitada cache para todos los elementos que se sirven desde el servidor, incluidos los estáticos -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 27 Jun 2012 10:08:20 +0200 python-exe (1: lucid; urgency=low [Pedro Peña] * Desarrollo de interfaz usando framework javascript ExtJS 4.1 * Reimplementación de clases python del directorio exe/xului bajo exe/jsui para la nueva interfaz * Conexión de la nueva interfaz con las nuevas clases de exe/jsui * Desarrollo de filepicker con autocompletado y atajos de teclado bajo ExtJS 4.1 para suplantar al filepicker XUL * Implementación de atajos de teclado y navegación de menús equivalentes a interfaz XUL * Eliminada opción xulDir del fichero de configuración. Añadida opción jsDir * Implementado PackageStore por sesión en lugar de por instancia de aplicación. Diferentes sesiones del navegador no comparten paquetes aunque tengan la misma url * Preparado el sistema de traducción por petición del navegador (request) en lugar de globalmente * Preparado sistema de detección del lenguaje del navegador para establecer el lenguaje de la petición * Migración de toolkit de traducción a Pybabel * Corregidas algunas cadenas para que se puedan traducir convenientemente * Se lanza eXe con el navegador por defecto del usuario * Posibilidad de abrir múltiples ventanas/pestañas sobre un mismo paquete. Sincronización de dichas pestañas/ventanas cuando se realizan acciones * Implementado mecanismo para prevenir el cierre accidental de la ventana o pestaña del navegador * Se termina el proceso eXe solamente cuando se cierra la última ventana/pestaña (cliente) activa * Aplicados parches para que eXe funcione en Python 2.7 en Windows y Mac * Se separa de common.js los elementos y funciones que intervienen en la interfaz de eXe. Se guardan en nuevo fichero: authoring.js * Corregido bug en TinyMCE en navegadores Webkit (Chrome, Chromium, Safari, etc) * Corregido bug en navegador Chrome al redimensionar popups de TinyMCE * Cambiado el sistema para coger los nombres de idioma de la página de preferencias * Barras de progreso al cargar, guardar, insertar o extraer paquetes -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 12 Jun 2012 09:32:00 +0200 python-exe (1: lucid; urgency=low [Ignacio Gros] * Revisión y mejoras de TinyMCE y traducciones * Prevención de error al pulsar sobre enlace a ancla en previsualización [José Ramón Jiménez] * Corregido bug en los eventos al insertar una imagen alternativa [Juan Rafael Fernández] * Corregidos 2 pequeños errores en traducción al catalán. -- Pedro Peña Pérez Tue, 11 Dec 2012 11:52:51 +0100 python-exe (1: lucid; urgency=low [Antonio Moreno] * Añadido al editor de Idevices la posibilidad de mostrar/ocultar Idevices. Aportaciones de José Ramón Jiménez y Pedro Peña [Carles Ferrando] * Revisión de traducción al catalán y catalán variante valenciana de eXe y TinyMCE. Con aportaciones de Pilar Embid. [Ignacio Gros] * Actualización de TinyMCE a versión * Adaptación a nueva versión de TinyMCE de plugins exemath, media y pastecode * Feature Request #1348 (Mejorar el iDevice Galería de imágenes). Con aportación de José Ramón Jiménez * En los materiales exportados se insertan los estilos con link en lugar de con @import * Se incluyen fuentes ttf, eot, otf, woff en las exportaciones * Se muestra favicon en exportaciones a página sola (bug #1423) * QuickTime & Real Media para Internet Explorer * Activadas las traducciones al catalán y gallego de TinyMCE [José Miguel Andonegui] * Revisión de traducción al euskera de eXe y TinyMCE [José Ramón Jiménez] * Corrección de fallo en actualización de imágenes en Idevice Galería de imágenes (bug #1437) * Corregidos comportamientos erróneos del iDevice Actividad de espacios en blanco (bug #1451) * Feature Request #1372 (Incluir los estilos de la plantilla en modo edición) * Feature Request #1368 (Homogeneizar el tratamiento de los títulos de página entre la versiónd de TodoFP y la del ITE) * Se muestran las clases ordenadas alfabéticamente en el despleglable de clases de los diferentes popup de tinyMCE [Juan Rafael Fernández] * Revisión de traducción al español de eXe y TinyMCE [Pablo Nimo] * Revisión de traducción al gallego de eXe y TinyMCE [Pedro Peña] * Compresión de y content.xml para versiones de eXe ejecutándose con python < 2.7 * Mejora en la correción de bug #1436 (iDevice de wiki repite el artículo al cargarlo) * Se visualizan correctamente vídeos insertados con versiones anteriores a ite5 (bug #1452) * Se muestra la versión de eXe en todos los sistemas operativos en "Acerca de eXe" * Reabierto y solucionado bug #1419 (eXe no elimina contenidos desenlazados/eliminados de sus proyectos) para algunos casos concretos * Corregido bug #1455 (Nombre incorrecto del idioma euskara en preferencias) * Corretido bug #1456 (Error unificar elps) * Corregido bug #1473 (Añadir variantes a las etiquetas de locales, concretamente ca@valencia) * Se muestran las anclas generadas por el usuario aunque no sean del mismo nodo o idevice * Se usa python 2.7 en las versiones de Windows y Mac OS X * Se incluye Firefox 16.0.2 en instaladores de Windows y Mac OS X -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 28 Nov 2012 12:47:52 +0100 python-exe (1: lucid; urgency=low [Antonio Moreno] * Corregido bug #1436 (iDevice de wiki repite el artículo al cargarlo) [Gaizka Bilbao] * Añadido estilo Tknika [Ignacio Gros] * Añadidos estilos INTEF (por defecto) e INTEF (navegación horizontal) * Corregido bug #1411 (TinyMCE - Selector de color no funciona) * Corregido bug #1385 (TinyMCE - Link to anchors) * Corregido bug #1442 (eXe no exporta los archivos *.mov) * Corregido bug #1443 (Revisar el funcionamiento del plugin media) * Corregido bug #1445 (TinyMCE - No se previsualizan los cambios en el tamaño del texto) * Ruta al editor WYSIWYG configurable (permite cambiar el editor sin compilar) * Corregido bug #1446 (TinyMCE - Imágenes generadas por eXeLatex no son editables) * TinyMCE acepta cualquier etiqueta/atributo/valor (antes solamente XHTML 1.0 Strict) [José Miguel Andonegi] * Actualizada la traducción al euskera [Juan Rafael Fernández] * Actualizada la traducción al español [Pedro Peña] * Revisión de textos y tamaño de ventana de los créditos * Reaplicado parche para que no aparezca el enlace "Resumen textual alternativo..." al insertar contenidos multimedia * Se tiene en cuenta posibles slots vacíos en el listado de recursos del paquete ( * Añadidas opciones de exportación a SCORM para incluir página única y sitio web * Añadidos parámetros de configuración de exportación a SCORM y XLIFF e importación a XLIFF en comando exe_do * Añadida opción para generar un SCORM editable por eXe (también a exe_do) * Corregida generación de indentaciones al exportar a xliff * Se rellena correctamente el campo original en fichero xliff generado * Aplicada compresión al y content.xml de paquetes elp ( * Corregido error al exportar a SCORM en modo editable por eXe * Corregido error al exportar a xliff usando exe_do * Se eliminan los comentarios HTML en los artículos de Wikipedia descargados -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 27 Jul 2012 12:29:59 +0200 python-exe (1: lucid; urgency=low [Antonio Moreno] * La importación de artículos de la Wikipedia ahora captura las imágenes. * Corregido problema que impedía la catalogación con idevices Wikipedia. * Añadido euskera en las opciones de búsqueda de los artículos de la Wikipedia. * Goegebra puede ahora abrir su editor en los HTMLs generados por eXe. * Los applets de Descartes incorporan ahora imágenes y macros que puedan incluir. * Corregido problema que impedía la catalogación con idevices ImageGallery. [Ignacio Gros] * Corregido bug #1342 "XHTML no valida cuando sólo hay una página (sitio web)" * Corregido bug #1422 (ID duplicado en el menú de navegación) * Corregido bug #1423 (Incluir un favicon al exportar como sitio web) [Pedro Peña] * Corregido bug #1408 (Error en el comando de importación de xml) * Corregido bug #1419 (eXe no elimina contenidos desenlazados/eliminados de sus proyectos) * Corregido bug #1427 (Compatibilidad entre la futura versión y posteriores) -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 13 Jun 2012 13:43:22 +0200 python-exe (1: lucid; urgency=low [Antonio Moreno] * Corregido bug #1399 (Applets de Descartes con nombres entrecomillados) * Corregido problema al abrir ciertos applets JClic en editor eXe * Recolocado lanzador de eXe en menú Educación en sistemas Debian/Ubuntu [Andoni Tolosa] [José Miguel Andonegui] * Mejoras en la traducción al euskera [Pedro Peña] * Corregido bug #1404 (Cambiar el orden de prioridad entre y content.xml al abrir un archivo) * Añadido "epoch" a la versión en sistemas Debian/Ubuntu -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 09 Mar 2012 08:22:45 +0100 python-exe ( lucid; urgency=low [Mikel Larreategui] * Corregido bug #1382 (Error al abrir con OmegaT archivos con algunas entidades). [Antonio Moreno] * Mejoras en el Idevice Applet de java * Añadido estilo Kyoku * Actualización de estilo Cedec [José Miguel Andonegui] * Traducción al español y euskera de cadenas de los últimos desarrollos de ULHI [Pedro Peña] * Corregidos bugs #1383 y #1389 (Ventanas de TinyMCE que se quedan detrás de la principal después de seleccionar un fichero). * Corregido bug #1365 (Los estilos no están ordenados por orden alfabético) * Corregido bug #1387 (Eliminar inserción automática de enlace debajo de contenido audiovisual) * Se incluye la versión de Firefox 10.0.2 en los instaladores de Windows y Mac OS. * Asistente para la exportación e importación de XLIFF. Añadidos nuevos parámetros de configuración. (ULHI) * Mejoras en el comando exe_do: ahora es posible exportar/importar elp's a diferentes formatos desde consola. (ULHI) -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 24 Feb 2012 11:24:21 +0100 python-exe ( lucid; urgency=low [José Miguel Andonegui] * Revisión de la traducción al euskera de eXe [Pedro Peña] * Al guardar un elp se incluye en éste un fichero xml "content.xml", junto con su esquema, equivalente al "". * El "content.xml", en caso de que exista, prevalece sobre el "" al abrir un elp. * Añadido comando exe_do para extraer/incluir un fichero xml equivalente al "" de un elp. Se mantiene sincronizado el "" al incluir el xml. * Actualización de cadenas de todas las traducciones para incluir cadenas que faltaban por los nuevos desarrollos * Se establece nueva clase en el menú de navegación para mejorar la presentación al exportar como página web * Corregido error en Idevice Galería de Imágenes en versión para Mac OS X -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 09 Dec 2011 18:16:46 +0100 python-exe ( lucid; urgency=low [José Miguel Andonegui] * Traducciones al euskera y al español de menus de importador/exportador XLIFF [Pedro Peña] * Actualización de cadenas de todas las traducciones para incluir cadenas que faltaban por los nuevos desarrollos * Reubicaión de las entradas de menú del importador/exportador de XLIFF * Adaptado prefs.js de Firefox para que no compruebe extensiones ni pregunte en ningún caso al usuario al iniciar eXe * Corregido error por el cual no aparecía el icono del plugin media de TinyMCE -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 07 Dec 2011 08:45:52 +0100 python-exe ( lucid; urgency=low [Ignacio Gros] * Integradas plantillas originales de Todo FP (FPD-MEDU) * Mejoras y compatibilidad de las plantillas en plugin pastecode de TinyMCE * Paginación en parte superior de la página + Compatibilidad plantillas * Página de inicio al mismo nivel que las demás al exportar como sitio web * Primeras plantillas con navegación horizontal y menús desplegables * Corrección i18n EN de plugin pastecode de TinyMCE [José Miguel Andonegui] * Corrección i18n euskera de plugin pastecode de TinyMCE [Mikel Larreategui] * Reemplazo de todas las ocurrencias de & por & al exportar a XLIFF * Se fuerza la extensión .xlf en los ficheros generados al exportar a XLIFF [Pedro Peña] * Añadida parcialmente configuración de TinyMCE de TodoFP para que vuelva a funcionar el plugin advimage (inclusión de imágenes) * Deshabilitado splash al iniciar eXe cuando se pulsa sobre un paquete elp * Deshabilitada por versión la comprobación de compatibilidad y seguridad de extensiones al iniciar Firefox * Deshabilitada la búsqueda de nuevas versiones de buscadores al iniciar Firefox -- Pedro Peña Pérez Mon, 05 Dec 2011 08:20:52 +0100 python-exe ( lucid; urgency=low [Ignacio Gros] * Control de la apariencia del código en plugin pastecode de TinyMCE * Bug: no se debía abrir el diálogo con CTRL+V en plugin pastecode de TinyMCE * Añadidos iconos para los iDevices de Todo FP [Pedro Peña] * Corregido error al insertar elementos multimedia con plugin media de TinyMCE * Se vuelven a aplicar los cambios de TodoFP a common.js para que funcione el botón de feedback de algunos IDevices * Fijado valid_elements de TinyMCE para que valide lo especificado estrictamente en el estándar XHTML -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 30 Nov 2011 09:36:33 +0100 python-exe ( lucid; urgency=low [Ignacio Gros] * Nuevas plantillas Todo FP * Revisión de la plantilla ITE * Plugin para TinyMCE que permite pegar fragmentos de código [Mikel Larreategi] * Importador/exportador de XLIFF [Jose Miguel Andonegui] * Traducción al euskera de TinyMCE [Juan Rafael Fernández] * Mejoras en la traducción al español [Pedro Peña] * Actualización de Geogebra a versión 4.0.10 * Integrados cambios de Todo FP versión salvo los que afectan a TinyMCE * Se establece por defecto la plantilla ITE * Traducción al español de TinyMCE -- Pedro Peña Pérez Thu, 24 Nov 2011 18:37:02 +0100 python-exe ( lucid; urgency=low [Ignacio Gros] * Actualización versión *.jar Geogebra ( / Geogebra *.jar version update ( [Pedro Peña] * Cambiada la arquitectura del paquete DEB a any para que no se muestren los mensajes de paquete de mala calidad al instalar con Centro de Software de Ubuntu -- Pedro Peña Pérez Sat, 15 Oct 2011 13:29:47 +0200 python-exe ( lucid; urgency=low [Mario Izquierdo] * exe.desktop exe.xml debian/rules: Rename MIME to application/x-exe-learning and install exe.xml in /usr/share/mime/packages * exe/ Fix exception IOError=>OSError, and catch posible UTF-8 filename errors in splash [Ignacio Gros] * BUG: no se estaba incluyendo common.js al exportar como sitio web * Imagen de fondo para los títulos de cada página en IMS y Página sola [Pedro Peña] * Corregido error por el cual se cerraba el navegador en lugar de mostrar mensaje indicando que hay que hacerlo mediante el menu Archivo -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 23 Sep 2011 14:27:05 +0200 python-exe ( jaunty; urgency=low * TinyMCE: Añadido Buscar/Reemplazar. Codificación de caracteres JS. Cambio en la redacción de algunas cadenas en la traducción al español. * Apariencia: Resubidas las plantillas del CEDEC. Añadido icono de atención. -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 02 Sep 2011 10:43:29 +0200 python-exe ( jaunty; urgency=low * Mejoras de accesibilidad: El título de la página es ahora un título de primer nivel (h1). Los títulos de los iDevices pasan a ser h2. Los cambios se aplican a sitios web, IMS y Scorm. Al exportar como página única los títulos también son coherentes (h1, h2). El menú principal (navegación) es ahora un listado XHTML válido semánticamente correcto (niveles anidados). * TinyMCE: Permitimos la inclusión de títulos (h1, h2, etc.) desde TinyMCE. Cambiamos el orden de los iconos de TinyMCE para mejora la usabilidad de la aplicación. La configuración de TinyMCE se pasa a un fichero externo (JavaScript), de manear que su personalización es mucho más sencilla. TinyMCE es ahora internacionalizable (se muestra en un idioma u otro según las preferencias de usuario y siempre que el idioma seleccionado esté en la lista de idiomas del fichero de configuración de TinyMCE). Traducción completa del TinyMCE de eXe y sus plugins al castellano (es). * Apariencia: Incorporación de la primera versión del theme para eXe del ITE. Incorporación de las plantillas del CEDEC. Se hacen compatibles las diferentes plantillas con las mejoras descritas más arriba. * Incluidos cambios de upstream versión 3605. -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 29 Jul 2011 13:24:39 +0200 python-exe ( jaunty; urgency=low * Actualización de los créditos. * Actualización de Geogebra, gracias a Diego Hernández. -- Pedro Peña Pérez Thu, 30 Sep 2010 11:41:13 +0200 python-exe ( jaunty; urgency=low * Implementada la cancelación de la importación. Al cerrar la ventana información sobre la importación pide confirmación de la cancelación. * Mejora en la detección del encoding del contenido HTML. Prevalece el valor que se haya especificado en el propio documento mediante 'charset'. * Añadida dependencia de firefox o iceweasel. -- Pedro Peña Pérez Thu, 08 Jul 2010 12:28:15 +0200 python-exe ( jaunty; urgency=low * Construcción en Jaunty. -- Pedro Peña Pérez Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:51:07 +0200 python-exe ( lucid; urgency=low * Añadida selección del punto de entrada del curso HTML * El análisis de directorio inicial informa de fallos de encoding en nombres de fichero -- Pedro Peña Pérez Mon, 14 Jun 2010 10:32:55 +0200 python-exe ( karmic; urgency=low * Arreglo de fallos menores -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 23 Apr 2010 12:22:02 +0200 python-exe ( karmic; urgency=low * Implementada solución a la problemática con frames -- Pedro Peña Pérez Fri, 16 Apr 2010 16:58:59 +0200 python-exe ( jaunty; urgency=low * Implementada información de progreso durante la importación de HTML -- Pedro Peña Pérez Thu, 25 Mar 2010 18:04:17 +0100 python-exe ( jaunty; urgency=low * Versión inicial que importa cursos HTML al formato nativo de eXe Learning -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 24 Mar 2010 07:39:09 +0100 python-exe ( jaunty; urgency=low * Cambios para el empaquetado en windows -- Pedro Peña Pérez Mon, 08 Feb 2010 15:55:22 +0100 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Corregido error por el cual no se importaba bien la libreria scrapy -- Pedro Peña Pérez Wed, 03 Feb 2010 19:22:40 +0100 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Versión preliminar con captura de la estructura del curso HTML en el asistente de importación -- Pedro Peña Pérez Tue, 02 Feb 2010 09:39:59 +0100 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add max score reporting to LMS for SCORM Quiz * Add username to startup lock file to permit multiple users on same machine * Fix image gallery to allow captions containing apostrophes * Fix field IDs so that adding to a previously saved elp is consistent * Fix Common Cartridge manifest when a header image is used * Fix OS X and Linux configDir Firefox profile on filesystem without colon * Fix display of translated help for Multi-Select iDevice editing * Workaround AVG anti-virus adding itself to eXe Firefox on Windows * Make startup lock file parsing more robust * Only include a copy of GNU FDL if that is the license selected * Re-enable loading of user extended iDevices from config directory * Translation updates -- eXe Project Fri, 18 Dec 2009 09:28:51 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add offline snapshot of manual, release notes, and tutorial to Help menu * Add undo button to discard changes after editing * Add automatic auto_top anchors to facilitate internal linking to each node * Add ability to translate tooltips * Fix handling of multi-select questions with 10 or more options * Fix tip display at right edge of windows * Fix Common Cartridge resource references * Fix package property display with Firefox 3.0 (no properties translations) * Improve Common Cartridge metadata formation * Improve Wiki Article iDevice handling of pages without content div * Improve Firefox version detection for 3.0b series (Linux) * Remove CSS letter-spacing to improve rendering with some fonts (Khmer) * Prototype ability to load eXe-authored Common Cartridges * Automate building Debian changelog and versioning * Update to BeautifulSoup 3.0.6 (character coding detection issues) * Translation updates and additions -- eXe Project Fri, 09 May 2008 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add linking across pages within a package (only for web export) * Add note that SCORM export previous/next requires non-standard extension * Add prototype IMS Common Cartridge export (no quizzing) * Add Rel-License microformat to license urls in exported content * Make importing old packages more robust (and remove unused resources) * Fix merging packages that contain resources with same name as main package * Fix upgrading of multichoice questions * Fix escaping of ampersands in rich text fields, allowing HTML embedding * Fix embedding of images and media with '#' in name * Fix SCORM Quiz pass rate to signal pass for scores of exactly the rate * Update to BeautifulSoup 3.0.5 * Translation updates -- eXe Project Mon, 21 Jan 2008 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add ability to type resource name into url box (without browse button) * Add CSS divs around nodes in single page and print exports for pagination * Add detailed uninstall name, links, icon for Windows * Make reading very old eXe packages more robust if corruption encountered * Fix XHTML for div wrapper of Java Applet iDevice export * Add ID, TH translations -- eXe Project Mon, 01 Oct 2007 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add embedded MP3 player as a rich text editor media type * Add FLV player as rich text editor media type * Add DIV around each iDevice on web/ims/scorm export * Add disabling SUBMIT ANSWERS button in SCORM Quiz after first submission * Fix web folder export to convert filenames to safe ASCII characters * Fix iPod Notes export to write UTF-8 index (non-ASCII node names) * Fix XHTML generated for SCORM Quiz * Fix XHTML generated for True-False question feedback * Fix reading of exe.conf files that have UTF-8 "byte order mark" * Fix insertion of non-ASCII package names in Recent Projects list * Change license footer text so translators can ignore trailing space * Change RPM spec file to work better with openSUSE * Remove deprecated dublincore.xml metadata file from SCORM 1.2 packages * Updated DE,FR,IT,PL translations -- eXe Project Wed, 05 Sep 2007 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Fix styles to use relative line height rather than absolute * Fix splash progress bar to indicate 100% * Fix iDevice deletion issues including read-only resources * Fix display of embedded image borders * Fix header text display in single page export and printing * Make merging packages more robust * Make default IMS/SCORM Metadata title description from package values * Change export to folder to not change UTF-8 filenames * Update About box -- eXe Project Fri, 17 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add splash screen for when launching eXe by double-clicking .elp * Add warning screen for trying to launch multiple copies of eXe * Add warning for trying to run an older version of eXe with newer data * Add Catalan Wikipedia * Add file browser to rich text editor link popup for including files * Fix re-enable Flash autoplay attribute * Fix multi-select option feedback * Fix SCORM Quiz to allow deleting individual questions * Change text export to decode HTML entities into UTF-8 string * Remove media plugin detection allowing authoring without media plugin * Allow specifying VCARD type in metadata fields for SCORM export * Allow non-ASCII characters in embedded media filenames * Slightly reduce eXe package size by not storing multiple copies of text * Updated German, Japanese, and Chinese translations -- eXe Project Fri, 10 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add ability to insert MimeTeX math images in any field with TinyMCE * Add message to RSS iDevice for when feed fails * Add labels to items added in the iDevice editor edit display * Add feedback display for each option of multi-select iDevice (not score) * Add font family, background colors, advanced horizontal rule to TinyMCE * Fix Image Gallery popup to start at images beyond first row * Fix Image Gallery to handle unicode captions and previous/next * Fix SCORM Quiz scoring to send normalized 0..100 score to LMS * Fix SCORM 1.2 export that was missing ims_xml schema * Fix display of package header image by adding a Show Image button * Change embedded media to default to auto-fit and not autoplay * Attempt to decode HTML character entities on text export * Start using IMS LRM metadata for SCORM 1.2 exports * Upgrade Maths iDevice into math image in a Free Text iDevice * Deprecate media iDevices (can be re-enabled in exe.conf) * Many translation updates * Update Firefox to -- eXe Project Fri, 03 Aug 2007 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add ability to embed media in text areas using TinyMCE toolbar * Fix display of header image in Properties... Package * Fix web export when package references a missing header image * Fix rapid clicking of outline pane buttons * Fix HTML emitted for gallerypopup * Fix printing on WINE * Fix gallery iDevice's deletion of thumbnail when removing image * Improve loading time of large packages * Translation updates * Upgrade TinyMCE to -- eXe Project Thu, 19 Jul 2007 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add ability to edit (delete) broken iDevices in a package * Allow preferences to change locale without triggering POSTDATA message * Greatly improve the ability to load packages created with older versions * Fix ability to delete iDevices with missing resources * Fix unicode parsing of Wikipedia pages * Fix rendering of attachment elements of custom iDevices * Fix display True/False hint icon only if there is a hint * Fix IMS CP export if metadata contains non-ASCII characters * Fix deletion of file resources when deleting applet iDevice * Fix deletion of resources when no longer referencing them in textareas * Change to just use shorter basename for filename of images in textareas * Change custom iDevices to open attachments in preferred browser * Change spec file so RPM can be built on F7 in addition to FC6 -- eXe Project Tue, 10 Jul 2007 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Add ability to embed images in text areas with TinyMCE * Remove Image With Text iDevice, migrates to Free Text iDevice * Remove image field from iDevice editor * Java applet, SCORM Quiz, and Flash Movie now regular iDevices not plugins * Display warning when user tries to close main eXe window * Opening attachments in preview mode now uses preferred browser * Add FTP to possible external web sites * Fix position of iDevice edit button for SCORM Quiz * Fix include content package schemas in RPM/DPKG packages * Fix gallery slideshow to include caption for last image * Fix gallery iDevice so it doesn't require clicking done check to register * Fix iDevice editor display in French * Fix packaging of CP and SCORM schemas in RPM and DPKG * Change how Maths iDevice temporary file is created * Workaround French Wikipedia parsing of   in attributes * Translation updates, including addition of Catalan * Update to BeautifulSoup 3.0.4 -- eXe Project Sun, 24 Jun 2007 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe ( unstable; urgency=low * Rewrite anchor tags in textareas in preview mode to use local browser * Restrict Image Magnifier selection to jpg images * Fix position of iDevice edit button in preview mode * Fix Multi-Select iDevice icon * Fix Reading Activity display after changing language preference * Fix alignment of attachment iDevice in edit mode * Fix Case Study image size * Fix SCORM Quiz icon export * Fix Win32: starting application by double-clicking long document name * Fix Win32: print URLs * Fix bullet point text wrap * Fix unique resource names (bug most often seen in Image Gallery hanging) * Add attachment button/field to iDevice editor * Add image and media filenames when re-editing iDevices * Add Hungarian Wikipedia * Add Quit button to iDevice editor * Add [idevices] section to exe.conf to prevent some from showing in list * Add exe.desktop and icon files to the Linux builds * Change Image Gallery popup Javascript to start at image other than first * Move temp_print_dirs to a temporary directory * Improve version check for ready2run deletion/extraction * Improve check for a copy of eXe server already running on launch * Improve Gallery slideshow feature * Updated translations and added Hungarian and Ukranian * Update RPM and Debian build processes * Update to Python 2.5.1 * Update to BeautifulSoup 2.1.1 for wiki parsing -- eXe Project Thu, 31 May 2007 00:00:00 +1200 python-exe (0.23.0-ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Change FLV player to FlowPlayer * Move Refresh menu button to a Tools menu item * Add links to online manual, tips and tricks, and release notes to Help menu * Add iPod Notes format export * Add Wikiversity * Add "Clear Recent Projects" menu item * Add check for existing eXe server when starting new one * Allow translations for some Javascript message strings * Fix Styles menu to display capitalized, alphabetized list * Fix Styles menu to accept normal click-select-release * Disable Nevow timeout exceptions that could be triggered by Firefox dialogs * Update to TinyMCE 2.1.0 -- Jim Tittsler Mon, 02 Apr 2007 15:38:52 +1200 python-exe (0.22.0-ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Add File... Print to print an entire course (same as export singlepage) * Add attachment icon in preview mode * Add Slate style * Add help tips for multi-select iDevice * Don't add unneeded large files to SCORM exports * Fix maintaining language preference across starts * Fix Merge Import and Extract * Fix maths iDevice input file descriptor on Windows * Fix uploads of non-ASCII filenames * Fix line endings in text exports * Fix file copying in applet iDevice * Fix » in web export * Changing to another node does not mark package as needing saving * Updated translations * Updated build scripts for Windows and OS X -- Jim Tittsler Fri, 02 Feb 2007 18:59:52 +1300 python-exe (0.21.0-ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Enabled rich text editor context menu cut/copy/paste * Add import/export features for iDevice editor * Update parsing of Wikipedia articles * Improve text export * Optimize internal resource handling * Windows: removed console window * Updated translations * Include SCORM Quiz iDevice in Windows ready2run version * fix FLV player dimensions * fix web export CSS for MSIE -- Jim Tittsler Fri, 02 Feb 2007 18:58:52 +1300 python-exe (0.20.2-0ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Improved Japanese translation * Add Live Chat to Help menu to open link that connects to IRC CGI * Fix to allow use of iDevices created in 0.19 * OS X: Add SCORM 1.2 export schema -- Jim Tittsler Fri, 02 Feb 2007 18:57:53 +1300 python-exe (0.20.1-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Improved ability to upgrade projects made with version 0.19 and earlier * Updated Japanese and Chinese translations * Removed access to SCORM2004 export * Fix translation ability of math field * Disable Firefox update check * Improved IDevice Editor * Geogebra iDevice * Add SCORM2004 export * Improve loading speed of some complex eXe packages * Add the ability to have an optional footer on all pages of project * Keep hidden backup .elp * Update copyright * Add release and revision to ready2run splash screen * Add work around for broken Microsoft Word span tags * Many, many bug fixes (see -- Matthew Sherborne Fri, 02 Feb 2007 18:57:52 +1300 python-exe (0.19.1-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Went back to old firefox -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 17 Nov 2006 17:46:23 +1300 python-exe (0.19-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * MP3 iDevice * Make Scorm Quiz work in IE in moodle * Turn Multichoice Question IDevice into Multichoice Quiz * New firefox * Other bug fixes (see -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 27 Oct 2006 11:56:57 +1300 python-exe (0.18-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Maths IDevice * Ability to include image in Case Study feedback field. * Added Multimedia IDevice (play mp3 and wmv video). * Added Czech, Tagalog, Twi and Ewe languages. * Have previous/next be translated in export to website. * Various bug fixes. -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 12 Sep 2006 13:32:15 +1300 python-exe (0.17-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Text export for mobile devices * Various bug fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 01 Aug 2006 14:07:12 +1300 python-exe (0.16-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Added slovenian and french languages * Fixed bug in True/False IDevice not storing instructions * Fixed bug with gallery images with umlautes in filenames -- Matthew Sherborne Wed, 12 Apr 2006 16:45:03 +1300 python-exe (0.15-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Add a background image to the package properties * Added Slovenian wiki url to wiki iDevice * Added Zulu translation * Numberous bug fixes including * Discussion Activity" for non English * Outline location and content page opened match * Flash with text in IE * Attachment with Chinese filename * Upgraded Cloze iDevice * Copyright notice updated for 2006 * Level names update * Magnifier iDevice interface cleanup * Right strings in dublin core properties * Correct url for Italian Wikipedia * Chinese Wikipedia article search * Wikipedia storing emphasis * Wikipedia iDevice "saves" title edits * Images in Wikieducator iDevice -- Matthew Sherborne Wed, 12 Apr 2006 16:45:03 +1300 python-exe (0.14-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * New properties pages with dublin core properties for export * Better International Support * Better XHTML Compliance * Styling and CSS improvements * Next/Previous buttons on SCORM export * New editor for Cloze IDevice * Bug fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.13-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Cleverer ready to run version * Better International Support * Image magnifier IDevice * New Gallery Interface * Better XHTML Compliance * Stabalisation of SCORM Quiz * Styling and CSS improvements * Bug fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.12-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Merging: insert and extract packages * Discussion iDevice plug-in * Enhanced Cloze iDevice * Bug fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.11-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * New Flash movie iDevice * Feedback field in iDevice Editor * Mac release * Dutch, Icelandic and Swedish languages * Online registration with * Improved Wikipedia Idevice * Bug fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.10-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Browser interface with much better usability * Using TinyMCE rich text editor * Preferences dialog for changing language * German, Greek, Spanish and Chinese languages * New Style: Kahurangi * Bug fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.9-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * More work on GtkMozEmbed interface * Drag and drop tree * New Cloze and External Website iDevices * Bug Fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.8-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Return to web interface * iDevice plug-in interface * Flash iDevice * Bug fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.7-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * Experimental GtkMozEmbed interface * Gallery iDevice * Improved iDevice editor * New default style * Single page export * Bug fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.6-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * New Attachment and Wikipedia iDevices * ImageWithText iDevice can now have image left or right aligned * Bug fixes -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.5-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * True-False Question iDevice * Image and Text iDevice * ongoing code development -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.4-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * basic iDevice editor * XUL interface development -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.3-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * modified Case Study iDevice * new Web Site export * Firefox bundled with eXe as one install * Improved file format (not sure it will be final) * A new installer which will launch the User Guide when finished and will remove old versions of eXe * Fixes for bugs # 7, 13, 14, 10, 9, 22, 24, 25, 4, 37, 15, 18, 34, 35 -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.2-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * significant improvements in the user interface * the addition of more iDevices * the ability to change Styles * the addition of pedagogical help and tips to iDevices. -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300 python-exe (0.1-0.1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low * initial release -- Matthew Sherborne Tue, 14 Mar 2006 16:29:41 +1300