isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu12) xenial; urgency=medium * debian/apparmor/sbin.dhclient: Add the attach_disconnected flag to prevent disconnected path denials as seen with the new 1.1.93 based network-manager (LP: #1568485) -- Tyler Hicks Wed, 13 Apr 2016 10:02:12 -0500 isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu11) xenial; urgency=medium * No change upload for rebuild -- LaMont Jones Fri, 18 Mar 2016 10:36:57 -0600 isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu10) xenial; urgency=low [ Stefan Bader ] * Revert back to bind against bind9 export libraries (LP: #1556175, LP: #1551351) [ LaMont Jones ] * libirs-export requires libisccfg-export now -- Stefan Bader Thu, 17 Mar 2016 17:45:53 +0100 isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu9) xenial; urgency=medium * debian/isc-dhcp-server.isc-dhcp-server{,6}.service: adjust permissions for most recent PARANOIA commits to avoid granting 'capability dac_override' in the AppArmor profile on second and subsequent starts (LP: #1543794): - /var/lib/dhcp is root:dhcpd and 775 - /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd{,6}.leases is root:dhcpd and 664 - don't chown /run/dhcp-server to dhcpd:dhcpd since the pid file is now created as root:root and the pid file was not being created before. If this needs to be reintroduced in the future, use root:dhcpd and 775, like with the leases file. -- Jamie Strandboge Tue, 01 Mar 2016 08:19:43 -0600 isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu8) xenial; urgency=medium * debian/apparmor/sbin.dhclient: include the openssl abstraction (LP: #1543794) -- Jamie Strandboge Thu, 25 Feb 2016 08:32:37 -0600 isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu7) xenial; urgency=medium * Link with the non-export bind9 libraries. -- Matthias Klose Fri, 19 Feb 2016 13:19:29 +0100 isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu6) xenial; urgency=medium * isc-dhcp-server: Suggest policycoreutils instead of recommending it. * Build-depend on libbind-dev instead of libbind-export-dev. -- Matthias Klose Fri, 19 Feb 2016 13:02:25 +0100 isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu5) xenial; urgency=medium * No-change rebuild using the updated bind9. -- Matthias Klose Wed, 17 Feb 2016 23:17:52 +0100 isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu4) xenial; urgency=medium * Allow chown - PARANOIA means that dhcpd tries to chown the leases file for later use. LP: #1537789 -- LaMont Jones Mon, 25 Jan 2016 12:17:39 -0700 isc-dhcp (4.3.3-5ubuntu2) xenial; urgency=medium * Correct my previous upload: Create the initial leases file if it doesn't exist when isc-dhcp-server or isc-dhcp-server6 are started, because it won't do it by itself. (LP: #1535952) -- Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre Wed, 20 Jan 2016 13:24:59 -0500 # For older changelog entries, run 'apt-get changelog isc-dhcp-client'